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AKC pointed Szarhegyaljai Zoe 

3/15/2013 till 12/8/2016

Zoe came to us in the summer of 2013 all the way from Hungary. The moment I saw photos of Zoe I knew she was meant to be mine. When she arrived she came out of the crate like she didn't just fly 100's of miles, she was full of spunk and everything I saw in her photos came to life, she was perfect. She had no fear and so much personality. Zoe was always smiling and her tail was always wagging. She had such a beautiful dark face, its truly what drew me in. She was one of the silliest girls and I continue to see that within her offspring and their offspring. Zoe is our foundation and produced two litter before we lost her tragically to Lymphoma at the young age of 3.5. I may not of had much time with this wonderful girl but in the short time I did have she taught and gave me so much. She gave me Raina and I couldn't be more thankful to her.  I miss you every day 

Refer to Berner-Garde for Health Info and Pedigree

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